Evie Asio, A Fortune To Be Told

Last year we wrote about the soulful music of Evie Asio, exploring a range of styles across three singles, including her emotional epic ‘Available’. After taking a break from releases, The Girl In The Blue Dress is back with her new single ‘Turning Time’.

Since releasing ‘Available’ in April 2021, Evie Asio has been played on Jazz FM as well as hosting her own one-off show in July entitled ‘Speaking Out’. The Saturday night special allowed Asio to pick some of her favourite songs relating to social injustice and community empowerment, under Jazz FM’s ‘Voices’ segment.

September saw Evie Asio returning to performing live with her band as part of Women Do South Festival at The Bread & Roses in Clapham, London. Evie also spent some time recording and filming a stripped-back rendition of Available on London’s Lightship 95, a floating recording studio moored on the Thames. The intimate recording features Jerome Serwanga on upright piano, whose presence is also felt on Evie Asio’s latest single ‘Turning Time’.

‘I’m tired of sinking my heels into the ground, but it’s the only thing I know how to do. And you ain’t seen the best of me yet…and I ain’t seen the best of you.’

Having previously explored more band-orientated music, the vocal and piano arrangement of ‘Turning Time’ puts Evie Asio firmly at the centre of this song. So intimate is this track, you feel as if the performers are in the room with you. You can hear Serwanga’s foot lifting from the piano’s sustain pedal, feel the vibration emanating from the body of the instrument he’s playing. When Evie Asio leans closer to the microphone, you feel as if she is speaking directly to you, as if nobody but you has heard this song before.

‘And I’ve been running, running, running, searching for an answer, but we are not a riddle to be solved, we are not a fortune to be told.’

And when the chorus opens wide like a gospel choir backlit through dazzling stained glass, you realise you aren’t alone, and this is a story for everyone. With a chorus as powerful and transcendent as this, Turning Time belongs on the radio. Asio’s lyricism points to the struggle of a friendship break-up, how the ordeal is by no means an easy emotional experience. Without overcrowding its arrangement, Turning Time achieves the affect of being grand by being exactly what it is: a brilliant composition with a compelling lyric.

It's without a doubt a superb start to the year for this songwriter and producer. As well as a forthcoming live session with Waterloo Sunset, fans can also look forward to hearing Evie Asio’s full album ‘Contending & Contention’ later in 2022.

Continue reading for our Q&A with Evie Asio, we ask who plays on ‘Turning Time’ (before we knew!), performing live and more about The Girl In The Blue Dress.

1. Your latest single 'Turning Time' is more intimate than your previous releases, is this one all played by you?

I’d love if it was! But no, my incredible friend and musician Jerome Serwanga played the piano on this one. He came up with all of the beautiful details that you hear in the song.

2. This track puts your voice and piano front and centre, did the song change much from when you wrote it to when you recorded it?

It didn’t change much at all – I always knew that to me, this song wouldn’t feel right having a lot going on. I was also inspired by Lianne La Havas’ ‘Gone’, and the beauty that can be found in a haunting piano ballad.

3. 'Turning Time' was born out of an emotive subject, if you were to make a music video for this track, what would that look like?

Well, there may be something in the works! But I definitely would want both the darkness and the beauty of the song to be represented in a music video, if I were to do one.

4. The artwork used in your singles all feature 'The Girl In The Blue Dress', where did that character come from originally?

That girl is me! I created this character to represent myself outside of myself, as all of these songs are an expression of my identity. Blue, because it’s my favourite colour, and the dress came out of me exploring my identity and my womanhood throughout many of the themes of these songs – also, I just like dresses.

5. Last year you recorded a live session for Waterloo Sunset, what was that experience like? When can fans expect to see that released?

The recordings from Waterloo Sunset will be out later this year – that was a really fun experience. I’m excited for everyone to see the final result.

6. I'm still seeing gigs being cancelled due to the pandemic, how are you feeling about playing live in 2022?

I’m so excited to play live again! Since the pandemic, I’ve only played one band gig, and it was everything. So I definitely am looking forward to reimagining these songs live.

7. If you got the chance to support your dream artist - who would that be?

Only one? There are so many! But… if I had to choose one… perhaps my favourite lyricist of all time Corinne Bailey Rae. I just love everything about her vibe.

8. You've previously mentioned working on your debut album, when can fans expect to hear that?

Come hell or high water, I really want this album to come out late 2022. It’s been a long, and I mean very long time coming. Things have slowed it down, but that’s my main focus for the year. Getting ‘Contending and Contention’ out.


The music of Evie Asio is available to download and stream in all the usual places.

Follow Evie Asio on Instagram and Facebook @evieasio, and on Twitter @evie_eves.


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Teri Woods

Writer and founder of Moths and Giraffes, an independent music review website dedicated to showcasing talent without the confines of genre, age or background.


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